Having moved to Dubai, United Arab Emirates in Early 2000, my career was focused on providing advice to other people on how to best own and operate assets and business creation in the Middle East.
I have had the pleasure of working with some very big names around the world.
My key focus was developing value for my clients, I have always found that by making yourself unique, personable, and most important a “deliverer” your clients will continue to work with you and will naturally gravitate towards your knowledge and ability to get things done.
I forged very strong links within the business community both in the UAE and further afield. As a specialist in this area, I had the opportunity to work with local family offices across the region, their focus was on visionary investment opportunities for the next generation, the dynamic leadership of the UAE being a key catalyst to promote growth in this sector.
The UK was already a prominent target, where agriculture, trophy assets, as well as traditional residential and commercial property in particular cities were all in high demand.
A major benefit for them was dealing with a British specialist who understood financial and local markets and who was also making personal investments and taking stakes and increasing personal wealth, this was the start of my investment portfolio and has allowed me to build up a significant capital base to explore and expand into other markets.